lundi, septembre 22, 2008


One of the highlights this month is Ramadhan. Although here, there is nothing to talk about (unlike in Malaysia, there are lots of pasar ramadhan), but I tried to cook yummy things as often as I can. Meaning that when I have time to visit the butcher and to go cook after work.
Here is one of my berbuka puasa meal....

Latest discovery.. Yoplait Smoothie. It came only with 2 flavors, Tropical fruit(photo) and Red Fruits. I like this one better...

This is Nasi minyak (don't ask me why the color is like that hehe), merguez (lamb sausages) and piece of Veal masak kurma:

Le plateau de repas. My dessert is pot of Creme Caramel:

And of course, some dates:

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