samedi, juillet 17, 2010

Oven-baked meatballs

Ground beef
Bran oatmeal
1 egg
(this is a simple version)
Optional: Add grated parmesan cheese, chopped parsley

Preheat oven at 200C
Mix all ingredients together
Make pingpong sized balls
Put on a baking tray (with aluminium paper)
Bake until meatballs are cooked (about 30 minutes or so)

jeudi, juillet 15, 2010

Biscuits matin (Bran oat mini cake)

This simple cake is a very healthy snack.
Bran oat helps to heal constipation :)

From misc

2 tablespoon bran oatmeal
2 tablespoon bran wheat
1 egg
1 tablespoon sweetener
1 tablespoon fromage blanc 0% (cream cheese/cottage cheese)

Preheat oven at 200°C
Mix all ingredients in a bowl
Put the mixture on a baking tray according to what you want. I used a baking tray for mini tarts.
Bake for 15 minutes

*by Chef Sylvain :D