Just when I was having baking-block (as in writer's block), my colleague offered me goose eggs from his parent's place. I have never seen goose eggs before and far from ever use that in cooking or baking. So bring it on!!!
I was quite sceptic as to what it will taste. But most feedbacks and researches said that goose eggs are really good for cakes. Bring it on!!
We had fun drawing and taking pictures of these babies :D
Alex did the one in blue and mine is the red one (looks like an angry person LOL)
Back home I had fun taking pictures of them and comparing with the Large chicken eggs.
Big yolk!
I mixed and matched some simple yoghurt cake recipes and came up with this.
At first I was thinking to bake in cupcakes, but then I got lazy. I need to get a smaller size of baking pan, like loaf pan in order to bake smaller amount of batter. It would be better if it is risen up and in a loaf form. However, it tastes yummy and fluffy. There is no different of taste. In summary, eggs are eggs! :D
Here's the recipe:
Goose Egg Yoghurt Cake
1 Cake mix
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder (I forgot to put it.. oppss)
113g unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup brown sugar
1 pot of yoghurt
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 goose egg
1/2 cup chopped hazelnut
1/2 cup chocolate chips
- Preheat oven at 160C
- Beat the butter until fluffy.Add the brown sugar. Continue beat until fluffier.
- Add the goose egg, vanilla extract.
- Alternate, add in the mixture of cakemix, baking powder and salt, with the yoghurt.
- Pour the mixture into the baking pan. Throw in the nuts and choc chips, and bake for 30-40 minutes.
- Let cool, and then serve :D