vendredi, novembre 30, 2007

Birthday Present

Very nice birthday presents!!! The recipe book is called Small biscuits for all festivals...

Careful people! I'll start baking soon!!!

Pulut with Serunding Ikan (pulut panggang)

What you need is:
- Fish

- Cooked Glutinous Rice

- Some aluminium foils

- Cooked fish with spices and shreaded coconut

- Put the serunding ikan on top of flatten glutinous rice then cover. Roll like sushi heheeh


Winter is here and it's back to fatty food! Something that I allow in winter and definitely not in summer.. is Raclette... mmmmmm
And while Sylvain and I picking up potatoes (at the supermarket) we found this cute looking potato...

mardi, novembre 27, 2007

Long time no see

Hello all!!
Sorry for the lack of photos and posts lately.
I'm still cooking and baking, just that I don't have the force to upload the photos.
Some of the things I tried lately are:
- Serunding ikan
- Pulut panggang
- Chocolate cake (from scratch and not from Alsa Mamie Gateau box)

More to come in the near future!!
Since Xmas is in the air and I received a Biscuits recipe book recently, I had so many ideas in my head. I have to do like Hari Raya. I must list down the biscuits that I want to do and start doing them!

So stay tune!
It sure smells nice in the kitchen!!

vendredi, novembre 16, 2007

Oh no!!!

What?? nothing inside nyanya's kitchen???
Actually, I have not been cooking much lately. I have been baking Alsa Mamie Gateau Chocolate cake for some weekends. But they were from the box, just add 3 eggs and 20cl of creme liquide. Nothing that I would brag about.
I think next Tuesday I will bake the chocolate cake again for office. Although it is my day off (due to my birthday hehehe), but I need to drop by in the afternoon to sign my new contract.
Need new idea what to cook or bake... hmmm...