mardi, mars 30, 2010

Leftover Ganache

I had some leftover ganache from my glazed chocolate brownies. It seems a waste to not use it. I took out the ganache from the fridge and pinch it a bit and taste it.. yummy... it's so good, so definitely cannot go to waste.
I googled 'leftover ganache' and I found some interesting ideas. Re-melt it and serve as chocolate fondue is sooo very tempting. But it is dangerous because I am alone with bowl of melted chocolates.. aie aie aie...
So I settled for chocolate truffles (des truffes au chocolate). I never made it before, so it is a good moment to do some tests.
There are so many different coating for chocolate truffles. Scurring for stuff in my kitchen, I found chopped peanuts, speculoos and box of dutch processed cocoa powder. That's it! I shall make chocolate truffles with 3 different kinds of coating. Btw, speculoos is a biscuit quite close to ginger bread, mostly popular in Belgium. I think Neuhaus made chocolate truffles with speculoos coating.

Anyway... here they are...

Comfort baking

The 2 cakes that never let down : Banana Bread and Chcolate Brownies

Something extra for my chocolate brownies, this time I made Chocolate Ganache, and glazed the brownies with it :)

Boiled liquid cream poured into chocolate pastilles.

Whisk them together...

Add in butter...

et voila :D

lundi, mars 29, 2010

Raspberry Swirl Cheesecake

This is my second time making the raspberry cheesecake. Again, this is the baking version.

Mee Goreng

Simple stuff, yet yummy :D

jeudi, mars 25, 2010

Overdue loads

I have been cooking, experimenting, but just do not have time to put the photos on the page and write something. After the raspberry truffle tart from my last post, I did raspberry cheesecake, tried japanese cheesecake (without success huhuhu), and am thinking to bake so many things.

I will try to load some pics here, maybe this weekend :D